
A place to rant about politics, the media, and especially the electorate. Much like alcohol, the electorate is both the cause of, and the solution to, all of America's problems.

Location: Seattle, Washington

Thursday, August 25, 2005

There's 10 kinds of people in the world...

... those who know binary, and those who dont...

(That's my 2nd favorite math-y joke in existence.)

Back to serious matters: There are two kinds of governors in this country. Here's one type:

"[My state is] sitting on more energy than they have in the Middle East," [the governor] told Reuters in an interview this week.

"I am leading this country in this desire and demand to convert coal into gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel. We can do it in Montana for $1 per gallon," he said.

"We can do it cheaper than importing oil from the sheiks, dictators, rats and crooks that we're bringing it from right now."

And here's type two:

On April 15th, the day the ethics charges were initially filed, Blunt made his first attempt to amend his ethics reports to account for the tour bus--- he reported that he had paid $1 for the bus.

On July 15th, Blunt filed a second ethics amendment--- he reported a $6,178.80 payment to Kehoe. The payment was far less than the $20,000 fair market value for the tour bus.

Unimpressed by the "wait until I get caught before paying too little" approach of Blunt, the Ethics Commission referred his case to the Attorney General for enforcement on July 25th.

Or the always enjoyable:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Gov. Bob Taft, convicted and fined Thursday for ethics violations, both apologized to a judge and insisted he would not resign.

Taft, a two-term Republican, has forced out underlings for ethics offenses but said those cases were different.

Hey republican voters: Your own team hates you. If you wanna stop getting fucked like a bitch, maybe you should stop voting like bitches. One party is trying to make our country stronger, and the other party just likes fucking its voters. I report, you vote, jackasses.


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